In previous articles we have discussed three strategies to manage demand, for the first yan strategy is not doing anything, reducing demand, and if you forget the explanation please click here .
Well then will discuss the continuation of the strategy to manage demand. Please note the following explanation.
1.Meningkatkan Demand
Basically, this approach aims to increase demand in the event of excess capacity. The price offered can be lowered selectively so that all relevant costs can be covered.
Besides, the company also should be able to utilize communication and distribuasi to the maximum, as well as improving services so that variations of the service users bertamabah. For example, in order to raise the level of occupancy of a resort hotel overnight period of quiet, the hotel can be used for a place of retreat.
The problem in fasilatas seasonal service is excess capacity. For example the use of the telephone, amusement parks, public transport and other services. Wherein when the demand slack, it will be excess capacity, can also be improved by menetapaka price differential.contoh laporan keuangan
Here is an explanation of the three ways to manage demand, for which three other ways will be discussed in the next article. Hopefully this article can be useful for you all. And you all can as a reference in developing the business of all.
2.Menyimpan request with Reservation System and Appointments
In general, this approach has the main goal to 'save' the request until the time kapasitanya adequate. The steps to make a reservation system, whereby consumers will be able to be served at a specific time.
In this way consumers act of will queue up again. At the moment the system is widely applied to airline companies, hotels, restaurants, car rentals, doctors, cinemas and much more.
However, in practice, a company will accept reservations which exceed the available, this is used to anticipate in order to avoid losses which the reservation is not used by the consumer. But this raises a big risk, ie when all reservations are used by consumers simultaneously.
For that the company must reimburse consumers, providing compensation, and / or find a replacement company services to customers who have booked but not served. Let's say a flight is canceled then the consumer will look for the dressing on the next penerbanag.pengertian akuntansi
In this reservation system, the company should be able to consider the major market segments. As for the other consumer consumption directed at the current time to a period not busy or peak periods next.
3.Menyimpan Queue Formal
For the fifth approach that is intended to be able to 'save' requests by developing a queuing system formally. Companies must be able to maintain comfort during the waiting turn consumers served by our company.
What needs to be considered by the company is an effort to be able to predict accurately the period and duration of consumers waiting queue.
4.Mengembangkan Services or Complementary Service During Busy Time
These complementary services are provided to be able to provide alaternatif for consumers who are waiting serviced. An example is the use of ATM, the addition of a bar in the restaurant, and also in the cinema frequently encountered are the games in its lobby.
Services complementary can provide Are Some benefits for perusahaab and consumers. First, anxiety is felt on consumers while they wait to be served will be slightly reduced because they fill time waiting for them with other activities. Second, the company can earn / additional benefits. Third, aggregate demand of the corporate services can be more uniform or evenly.siklus akuntansi
It can be concluded that in managing demand strategy, there are 6 of them, do not do anything, reduce demand, boost demand, save the request with reservation or appointment systems, store queue formally, to develop a complementary service or services during a busy time.
Here is an explanation of the strategy to manage demand. Hopefully this article useful for you all to add insight, and also the development of your business.